Getting headshots in all FPS games

Getting headshots in Counter-Strike, DOD, COD4 or even TF2 doesn’t come easy. It takes years of practice, a fast machine capable of providing smooth game play and finally… skill. Yet, even then, there are guys who seem to have all of the above and still can’t get consistent headshots. Here’s why:
The golden concept: What you practice, you get good at. Remember that.

If your idea of practice is to jump on a public server and get as many kills as fast as possible, then you’re only harming yourself in the long run. Pubbing does not build skill.

Because on public servers, you’re matched up against mediocre players. So even if you miss a lot of your shots, as long as you shoot first, you’ll usually end up winning the battle.
Unconsciously, you train yourself to shoot first without aiming. That becomes part of you… even if you don’t want to. If you’re used to playing with the “shoot first, aim second” because you play on pubs a lot, then that’s what you’ll AUTOMATICALLY do even in match situations.

As I previously mentioned, what you practice, you get good at… even if it’s something that doesn’t help you.
The solution: Instead of going for as many kills as possible, go for the highest level of accuracy that you can possibly achieve. Make every single shot count, and always aim for the head. If you’re playing Counter-Strike, make sure that every single kill you get is a headshot, and that you don’t waste a single bullet. When aiming, take as MUCH time as you need to hit the head, even if it means dying in the process. Concentrate on that, and you’ll be practicing perfection.

After a while, you’ll re-train yourself to automatically aim for the head before shooting. You’ll become a human aimbot. A fair bit of warning, the first time you try this, expect to die. You’ll be taking a lot more time to aim than usual, so it will throw your rhythm off and consequently, you won’t get kills that you would of normally gotten by spraying. However, with practice, the time it takes to aim will decrease and your headshot percentage will go up.

Eventually, you won’t even have to think of it and you’ll naturally spend the required time to aim for the head. If you ever find yourself slipping and start shooting too quickly, make sure you do this exercise again!

So remember, if you practice shooting quickly, that’s what you’ll do in the match.
If you practice perfection, you’ll be accused of cheating because you got too many headshots! Life’s tough.